

有意向的专业学生应具备在拉丁美洲使用一门语言的能力, equivalent to intermediate advanced Spanish, French, or Portuguese. 学生还可以熟练掌握本地区尚未在买球平台提供的语言,包括克丘亚语, Guarani, and Aymara. 这一要求可以通过完成 HISP 2204 Intermediate Spanish II or FRS 2204 Intermediate French II at Bowdoin, placement beyond these courses, 或者通过口头面试,并向项目主任提交一份写作样本. 语言要求必须在三年级结束前完成. 

The major consists of nine courses:

Required Courses
Select one course in history 涵盖拉丁美洲的几个国家和/或时期, the Caribbean, and/or Latinx communities in the US, such as:1
HIST 1512 Modern Latin American History
HIST 2401
HIST 2402
HIST 2403
HIST 2430
Gendering Latin American History
HIST 2862
The Haitian Revolution
HIST 2824
The Afro-Portuguese Atlantic World, 1400—1900
HIST 3404 Crime and Punishment in Latin America
Select one course in the humanities (历史以外的)专注于文化生产(如文学)的学科, arts, music, dance, art history, 和/或媒体),并涵盖拉丁美洲的两个或两个以上国家和/或时期, the Hispanic or Francophone Caribbean, and/or Latinx communities in the US, such as:1
HISP 2409
HISP 2410
HISP 2505 The Making of a Race: Latinx Fictions
HISP 3220
Medicine, Literature, and Spanish
HISP 3249
HISP 3252 The Battle of Chile: From Allende to Pinochet
MUS 1271
Experiencing Latin American Music(s)
MUS 2296
Songs of Race and Power in Colonial Latin America
Select one intermediate course (2500–2799) in the social sciences (anthropology, economics, government, psychology, 或社会学),专注于拉丁美洲或美国的拉丁裔社区, such as: a1
ENVS 2313
Food, Environment, and Development
GSWS 2345
Gender, Race, and Citizenship in Brazil
ANTH 3320
Youth, Identity, and Agency in Insecure Times
LACL 3342
Advanced Afro-Modern: Dancing Towards Social Change
LACL 3405 Empathy and Protest in the Americas
SOC 3410 Migrant Imaginaries
Select five elective courses in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx studies, four of which should be taken at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 level.5



The minor consists of five courses.

Required Courses
选择一门拉丁美洲历史课程,涵盖该地区的几个国家和时期, such as:1
HIST 2401
HIST 2402
HIST 2403
选择一门涵盖拉丁美洲多个国家和时期的人文或社会科学课程, the Hispanic or Francophone Caribbean, or Latinx communities in the US.1
Select three elective courses in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx studies, two of which should be taken at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 level. 3

Additional Information and Program Policies

  • 拉加经委会的主修和副修课程应涉及拉丁美洲不同历史时期的课程, the Caribbean, 以及美国的拉丁美洲和加勒比社区.
  • LACLaS的专业和未成年人被强烈鼓励在拉丁美洲或加勒比地区进行沉浸式学习, as well as research opportunities in the region. 学生应该向他们的顾问和校外学习办公室咨询有关可用项目和研究旅行补助金的信息.  
  • 主修或辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。, 学生必须在这些课程中获得C或更高的成绩. 
  • 最多三个校外学习学分(不包括第一年和第二年的语言课程)可以计入专业. 校外学习(不包括语言课程)最多两个学分可以算在辅修课程中. 这些课程必须得到拉加经委会主任的批准. 请在报名前进行咨询.
  • 拉丁美洲研究最多两项独立研究(4000级课程)可计入主要或次要课程.
  • 专业学生可以选择在导师的批准下撰写本系的荣誉项目. 这包括在大四的两个学期独立学习,写一篇荣誉论文,并在教师委员会前为其辩护. 
  • 最多三门课程可以算作主修课程,两门课程可以算作辅修课程.
  • 至多有一门课程是买球平台的非交叉列表课程, with the approval of the program director.
  • 在法语语言和文化AP考试中获得最低四分的学生, or a minimum score of six on the French IB exam, 是否有资格获得该学位的一般学分, not the major/minor, if they complete FRS 2305 Advanced French through Film or higher and earn a minimum grade of B-. 符合这些标准的学生,如果他们选择了或选择了低于标准的课程,则不会获得学分 FRS 2305 Advanced French through Film.
  • 在西班牙语AP考试或西班牙文学和文化AP考试中获得最低四分的学生, or a minimum score of six on the Spanish IB exam, 是否有资格获得该学位的一般学分, not the major/minor, if they complete HISP 2305 Advanced Spanish: Language, Culture, and Politics or higher and earn a minimum grade of B-. 符合这些标准的学生,如果他们选择了或选择了低于标准的课程,则不会获得学分 HISP 2305 Advanced Spanish: Language, Culture, and Politics.
  • 为了获得大学先修课程或国际学士学位课程的学分, 学生必须在买球平台大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室. 

Information for Incoming Students

Latin American, 加勒比和拉丁研究是一个跨学科项目,在非洲系定期交叉列出课程, anthropology, art, dance, history, music, romance languages and literatures, sociology, and gender, sexuality and women’s studies.

必修课包括一门交叉上市的社会科学课程, one cross-listed course in history, 还有一门交叉上市的人文学科课程——都是买球平台拉丁美洲的, the Caribbean, and/or Latinx communities in the U.S. 1000级的人文课程和2000级的历史课程通常是一个很好的起点,因为它们提供了一个很好的地区概述,通常没有先决条件. 学生可以通过任何学科和任何水平进入该计划, but they may need to take introductory classes such ANTH 1100 Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human?, or SOC 1101 Introduction to Sociology as pre-requisites for some of the classes.

学生应该尽早解决语言要求. 这一要求可以通过完成 HISP 2204 Intermediate Spanish II or FRS 2204 Intermediate French II at Bowdoin, placement beyond these courses, 或通过口头面试和向项目主任提交一份写作样本, Margaret Boyle. 学生还可以熟练掌握本地区尚未在买球平台提供的语言,包括克丘亚语, Guarani, and Aymara.

这是官方买球平台目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue